To lead is to act in such a way that motivates others to perform above and beyond their normal will. You will be successful when you lead. 'Todd Maki and Associates' can gaurentee it.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

been awhile pt. 2

Reading books is complimentary to a sedentary lifestyle. There are many topics, resources, and rewards coming from books. Even if you just listen to a good book once in awhile, it makes our lives better. Rich ideas, imaginative images are generated within the mind of one who reads.

As all good philosophers know, there must be a balance. A balance between the mind and the body. Exercising the body is equally important as exercising the mind.

Being part of an industry known for its personal development, I noticed that this is one thing that many people lack: physical EXERCISE. I myself lack much of this in my life. But I am taking small steps day by day to lose 20 pounds. If my calculations are correct then only 8 oz. a day to lose for a period of 40 days would be a good start.

Just remember to:
  • Read 10 pages of a good book everyday,
  • spend 30-60 min. a day exercising,
  • believe in yourself,
  • trust God,
  • (and) win.
If you follow this strategy, you can finish up to 9 or more good books a year; gain an ideal muscle mass and body weight; accomplish your goals; and live freer.

God Bless!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Been a while pt. 1

Many times we procrastinate thinking that it will be fine if we put it off for a few more (days, minutes, hours, seconds). Many will question the reasoning for timing and why we must do things at certain times. We get nervous if something is overtime and startled if something is under-time. How do we control our reactions? Is the outcome always the same or is it different every time we procrastinate? These are questions we should ask ourselves and discover since we all procrastinate a little bit...I know I do.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Some of the greatest philosophers in history have written these but we still do not know what they really mean to us. Is it because we do not examine them deep enough or what? All I know is that my manifesto is different than yours and yours is different than your neighbors. What is your manifesto, credo, philosophy on life? Is it as you would like history to read it?

Some of the greatest philosophers of all time have theirs written on history so all generations can witness, but what about you. After all , you are the greatest philosopher of your life philosophy, but is it as good as to where you want others to read it? Do you want others to get a glimpse of your life based on how you want it to read or how it is read now.

The point is get with your mentor and find a philosophy that is conducive to your personal development and growth. Write your manifesto knowing full well that it will be able to impact others with the sincerity of which it impacts your life and those affected by you. Start today. If you are unsure exactly how to picture yours so far then start a journal entry program where you can review everything you write to better understand yourself.

G-d Bless you and keep you as we move fast into this new year with nothing but good intentions and great expectations.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


After joining over 400 people from across America and the world in a Goal Strategies Gameplan interview with the GoalGuy, I realized that it takes emotional zeal and a strong Internal Honor Code to honor your commitments, keep your promises, and meet your goals.

"Why" is the most important question any successful person can ask!

They ask themselves "WHY".

Just like you asked your parents why you had to wake up for elementary school every morning. Except this "why" has to deal with your personal passion or desire to break away from the stale inertia keeping you in your present place, your present state of mind, or your lackluster attitude keeping you back. Break away from that mindset or you may stray away from success. This "why" is everyones "emotional mojo" - as the GoalGuy put it.

So I ask you if you have a strong enough why to accomplish your goals for 2007. Are you there yet? Do you have that goal crystallized and a strong enough why to accomplish it?

Be Precise on Goal Setting and Achieving.

The entire month of February
Todd Maki and Associates
will have a special offer for
High School, College, and University Students.
Book now through the site and inquire quickly to reserve a spot.

They will be having a 50% off discount to any student sponsored organization that books between now and the end of February.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Great Things for 2007!

Wishing you the best this new year and all the success you indeed deserve!

As the new year is underway, plans to move forward reaching our goals has to be a top priority.

Some of my goals include but are not limited to:
  1. Reaching out to everyone because they may need a positive message that can change their life.
  2. Helping children and students succeed in their studies because students with a mentor tend to do better in and out of school.
  3. Starting a Student LEADership Foundation to provide students with the resources they deserve to move forward fast and continue leading.
  4. Teaming up with my Mastermind Success Team every weekday morning in prayer to start the day off right.
  5. Treating every person with the respect they do deserve because we do not know if they are just having a bad day or simply need a compliment.