To lead is to act in such a way that motivates others to perform above and beyond their normal will. You will be successful when you lead. 'Todd Maki and Associates' can gaurentee it.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Life's Vacation.

So we present our most valuable and durable goods to market to find that nobody wants to buy.

The first thing that goes through our heads is "what did 'I' do?"

This is the greatest thing to understand because it is focused around you... or 'I'.

In order for your business to succeed you need to focus mostly on those around you and less on your own importance.

Albert Einstein knows why we exist, do you?

"Setting an example is not the main means of influencing others; it is the only means" - Albert Einstein

"If Einstein is right, our attitude is to really focus on setting an example for others and then it will be a good influence all over eternity and back." - Todd Maki

Friday, December 22, 2006

Reality Leads

All to often we get wrapped up in our dreams but fail to examine our true self and personal image. It is very important to recognize where we are in our lives and look at reality. If we cannot see for ourselves clearly where we are in regards to our personal self image, then we must ask someone we trust. But even that can be a false reality because not everyone wants to be completely honest for reasons that may offend or hurt the feelings of a friend.

Reality is the dark (invisible) horse that carrys us to our present day. Dreams uplift our attitude so we can continue moving in a positive direction. Our dreams can get faded and our reality can get jaded, ok; but when you can really see for yourself who you are and look into a mirror to see the unique can actually begin to make positive changes for the better.

Some say they are realists, I say I am an optimist. Also, I know at times I can be pessimistic but it all depends on our own personal present reality. How we determine to see others and see the world really does impact our attitudes that shape our faith in certain outcomes. As an optimist, I have to recognize who I am, what I am doing, where I must go to get to where I want to be. Sure, I am looking at life realistically and I also need to feel positive about it in order for there to be positive outcomes.

Where do you stand today? Look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself about who you are. Where am I going in life? Do I belong here or should I move on? How can I really be that person I want to be? These are some personal questions to ask yourself in the mirror. "At a hotel in Europe there is a sign in the mirror on the door inside the employee break room which reads: Take a good look at yourself. This is what the customers sees." - Maxwell (Winning with People)

Thank your for reading to the end. It tells me a lot about you. You are determined to get ahead in life. You desire a positive change for the better. You also desire to make others lives better. Take Care and God Bless. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Business Bound

Do you want to be your own boss? Create Unlimited Cash-flow? Not have others tell you when to work? Then I have the answer for you... become an entrepreneur. Only then can you have the true freedom that this great country was founded upon. 200 years ago... we were a nation of entrepreneurs; now we are a nation of employees.

Where and when did the big switch take place???

Now it is easier then ever to become an entrepreneur with the Internet opening up doors like never before.

If you become a business owner not only will it benefit you but others and the country by:
  1. providing jobs to those less established
  2. providing a steady form of income to others
  3. providing a product that can benefit others lives
  4. providing a better future depending on the product
  5. helping the economy keep rolling strong in a global economy
  6. giving a sense of security those risk averse
  7. allowing the free market to succeed unhindered
  8. and keeping the government happy by ensuring a low unemployment rate.
Now is the time to learn how to be a business owner.

To find out more about how to become financially free and help others do the same, contact me at

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Teaching 4th Grade... (who would've known?)

To go from being a part of the top campaign in the nation to a fourth grade classroom can be quite the reality check. What surprises me the most is that I am more tired after working with the children than I was working 10 hour days on the campaign trail.

The experiences working with kids are really rewarding to the point where you know that affecting at least one person with a positive message may and will change the world for the better tomorrow. To be a positive influence on others (especially kids), will enlighten them to be good influences in return.

With one person becoming positive, the person he or she interacts with becomes positive and then we have a positive chain of events.

Just began working with 4th graders at Boca Prep School last Wednesday. Will be with them until next the next Wednesday before Thanksgiving, (Happy Thanksgiving!) Then, I will be filling in for the Phys. Ed. classes for the next five weeks. Not only will the children learn about positive mental fitness, but also the importance of strong healthy bodies which, in turn, will help their self-esteem.

Live, Love, and Learn. LEADers are created the moment you LEAD. Positive LEADers are created after you LEAD positively.

Monday, November 13, 2006


Elections are important to the survival of democracy. If we do not vote we forfeit our privilege of choosing our leaders whom best represent our particular ideals. What good would it do if we allow others to choose for us.

The first mark of true leadership is making steadfast decisions and acting on them. We do not have a real voice or opinion in how this country should be run if we do not participate in democracy. Please take the first step at preserving our democracy, "the land of opportunity", and participate in the voting process.

Stand up and lead. Vote Early and Vote Often.

Also, if you are not yet registered to vote, please visit your supervisor of elections website for your county.

Link to Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections

Link to Broward County Supervisor of Elections

Link to Florida's Supervisors of Elections

Link to Nation-wide Supervisors of Elections

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Hold our leaders accountable.

The state senator from Boca Raton, Ron Klein, beat out a 26 year incumbent to have a role in leading our great nation to that fantastic destination of success.

We, as a people, need people who lead in Congress. I am happy to say that Ron Klein is one of those people. Only because of my close working relationship with him can I truly say that is the case.

Since joining Klein as a Senator as an intern in Tallahassee, I have picked up on the great style of leadership that demands results. Thankfully, we will have results in D.C. now because there are many people who feel they are accountable to the American People.

As we have witnessed on Nov. 7th, if you do not do the job you were set out to do, you suffer the consequences. We as a people need to make sure that our leaders are leading us in the direction that brings peace, understanding, and joy to this great nation and the world.

Please continue to follow up on our leaders in Govt. as they are solely responsible for our progress as a nation. If we are to be a leader in the global community, we need to lead our Representatives in the best direction possible. That simply means stay involved and stay connected. Live it, experience it, and never settle for less than you are worth.

Sincerely, Todd

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Students are LEADING

Since leaving FSU in August, I have had the distinct opportunity to work on a political campaign. Being there has given me the opportunity to speak with thousands of students as I travel from school to school and from college to university around South Florida.

Seeing students work hard and strive for the best has been rewarding. With all of the activities available to students on campus and off, the fact that they are doing all that they can to work towards the good of the organization shows me that they truly are leaders.

Being in the State Capital, Tallahassee (FL), for 2 years has shown me firsthand how much of an impact students can have in leadership roles. My call to students to continue being active leaders is because I know that this is our world. It will be in our hands one day as we grow up to the everyday realities that surround us. The preparation we make now for a better tomorrow will benefit the entirety of society and enhance our well-being and the well being of generations we prepare to lead.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Students must LEAD

With a generation of Students leaving High School next summer and another one leaving College, there is a need for them to stand up to the challenges that face our nation, our community, and our home. For the billions of people that waver from one day to the next with no direction in their life, we cannot let today's students become derelict.

I am calling on every professor, teaching instructor, and mentor to instill within the students of our world the skills necessary to lead each other to greatness. A greatness that has no borders, a greatness that has no end, and a greatness that has everything to change the world so we can live life together to the fullest with endless success.

This call to arms is not just for our professionals but also our parents. Please go above and beyond to be that compassionate somebody your kids can look up to. Love crosses all lines and heals all ills. As longs as we lead with love, we lead toward hope for a better tomorrow.

Please contact me at if you would like me to speak to your class, church, synagogue, or business. My desire is to see a better day tomorrow and not just see that day but help make that day and I can only do so with your help.

Thank you for your participation.